
NameSize (per element)Description
version(int32)0x4indicates format version
Model Count(int32)0x4how many models are within the file
Modelsvariableall models within the model file


(repeated per model count)

NameSize (per element)Description
Model Namevariablea string(int16 indicates length, then utf8 string of specified length) indicating model name
Texture dimensions(2x int32)0x8indicates dimensions of texture file, in X Y format
Part Count(int32)0x4how many parts are within the model
Partsvariableall parts within the model


NameSize (per element)Description
Part Namevariablea string(int16 indicates length, then utf8 string of specified length) indicating part name
Parent Namevariablea string(int16 indicates length, then utf8 string of specified length) indicating part parent name(only if Format version > 1)
Translation X(float)0x4indicates part translation in the X dimension
Translation Y(float)0x4indicates part translation in the Y dimension
Translation Z(float)0x4indicates part translation in the Z dimension
Unknown(float)0x4it is unclear what this space is used to signify
Texture Offset X(float)0x4indicates offset in the texture, in the X dimension
Texture Offset Y(float)0x4indicates offset in the texture, in the Y dimension
Rotation X(float)0x4indicates part rotation in the X dimension
Rotation Y(float)0x4indicates part rotation in the Y dimension
Rotation Z(float)0x4indicates part rotation in the Z dimension
Box Count(int32)0x4how many boxes are within the part
Boxesvariableall boxes within the part


NameSize (per element)Description
Position X(float)0x4indicates box position in the X dimension
Position Y(float)0x4indicates box position in the Y dimension
Position Z(float)0x4indicates box position in the Z dimension
Length(int32)0x4length of the box
Height(int32)0x4height of the box
Width(int32)0x4width of the box
Uv X(float)0x4indicates Uv of the box on the texture in the X dimension
Uv Y(float)0x4indicates Uv of the box on the texture in the Y dimension
Scale(inflation)(float)0x4indicates scale of the box
Mirror Texture(bool)0x1indicates whether or not to mirror the texture on the box